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Beryl was born in Wombridge, South Shropshire.  Living alongside iron foundries and the area’s mining past has influenced Beryl’s work in the use of coal and bitumen within her paintings.  Her work is inspired by Patrick Heron.  In 2015 she received an MFA from Bath School of Art and Design.

Beryl White MFA

Plein air on Bryher
Mixed Media

39cm x 21.5cm (overall size inc. frame)

Beryl White MFA Longships Gallery St Ives
The Cherry Tree
Oil on Canvas

81cm x 107cm (overall size inc. frame)

Cloud Watching
Mixed Media

23cm x 23cm (overall size inc. frame)

Beryl White MFA Longships Gallery St Ives
The Tulip Garden
Oil on Canvas

59cm x 59cm (overall size inc. frame)

You should have left me where you found me
Mixed Media

23cm x 23cm (overall size inc. frame)


Beryl White MFA Longships Gallery St Ives
Sky Painting No.3:
Oil and Ink on Canvas

86.5cm x 112cm (overall size inc. frame)

Plein air on Bryher
Mixed Media

39cm x 21.5cm (overall size inc. frame)


Beryl White MFA Longships Gallery St Ives
Black Moon
Oil and Mixed Media on Canvas

23cm x 23cm (overall size inc. frame)

Colour with Vertical Strokes
Oil on Canvas

60cm x 60cm (overall size inc. frame)

Beryl White MFA Longships Gallery St Ives
Beryl White MFA Longships Gallery St Ives
The Night Garden I


Beryl White MFA Longships Gallery St Ives
The Night Garden II

80cm x 20cm

Oil on Canvas
Oil on Canvas
Solitude is a Sharpener
Mixed media

25cm x 25cm

Beryl White MFA Longships Gallery St Ives
Beryl White MFA Longships Gallery St Ives
No one here, except Jane, me and an Oyster Catcher
Mixed media

26.5cm x 19cm (overall size inc. frame)

Boatyard Bryher
Mixed media

39cm x 21.5cm (overall size inc. frame)

Beryl White MFA Longships Gallery St Ives

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14A St Andrew's Street

St Ives, Cornwall

TR26 1AH


© Longships Gallery 2023

Website by; Auntie Social Media

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